Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 04:30:18 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #256 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 31 Jul 94 Volume 94 : Issue 256 Today's Topics: 9600 baud & MICOR HELP? ??using MAC with KPC-3 and Hostmaster program?? cheap packet? GTOR--A big improvement? MFJ 1278 Ops Mic connection KAM--> HTX-202 (3 msgs) Need KISS Protocol FTP Site Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 29 Jul 1994 20:18:05 -0400 From:!! Subject: 9600 baud & MICOR HELP? To: In article <>, (Martin Vernon) writes: Roger Martin, that is what the manual I have says also....When we talked to the people at MFJ, they said that was a misprint and should have been 80 mVolts... I would surely like toget this problem resolved... the 440node has to be running by fall....The SHELL node site is 9800 feet and really hard to get to for service in the winter.....I appreciate your comments and would really appreciate any help... 73 Neal KE7VS ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 19:55:56 -0500 From:!!!!gatech!udel!!!! Subject: ??using MAC with KPC-3 and Hostmaster program?? To: In article , () wrote: > I have been using my KPC-3 with a PC and now I would like some feeling > using a MAC for packet..I have a MAC and a KPC-3 TNC plus a HOSTMASTER > program...Does anyone have any feeling using this set up? Does it work > fast or slow and would better than the PC. Almost forgot..The MAC I > would be using would be an old MAC APPLE no hard disk or a MAC > CLASSIC...Thanks for taking time to read this and hope you can > comment..Jeff I can't speak to the relative speed of the PC vs the Mac with Hostmaster/KPC-3; however, I have been using a KPC3 with a variety of Macs (IIsi, PB145, Plus) and a very impressed with the package. Hostmaster is self documented and runs very smoothly even totally mobile on a PB145. HostMaster is requires 512K of disk space so putting it on 800K disk with Sys6.0.7 would be the best alternative in your situation (unless you have persuaded the Plus or the Classic to accept a 1.4M SuperDrive then you could run Sys7.0.1). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 19:51:49 GMT From:!!!eskimo! Subject: cheap packet? To: Ross Frederick Blakeney ( wrote: : -- : hello all, just wondering if there is anyway to use my modem as a TNC : if I have a program for the baymod or similar???? : TIA : 73 de VE1RFB : -Ross- Sorry, have to say, no, it's not going to work. The modulation standards used for phone modems and packet radio are different. The closest you could come (and it >has< been used before) is to find an obsolete Bell 202 modem and modify it for radio interface, TX/RX control, etc. 73, Bob KD7NM -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Donnell, kd7nm Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 20:40:47 GMT From: hplextra!!srgenprp! Subject: GTOR--A big improvement? To: Bill Coleman ( wrote: : > Another tack is a multi-tone system like Piccolo. : Mutiple tones is the way to go for HF. You have to keep the symbol rate low : and avoid phase modulation to avoid multipath phase distortion. You can't : get too many states of amplitude modulation because the signal references : change too much. It is nearly impossible to equalise a lot of the : imperfections of the HF link since they change so rapidly. Your only choice : is to use more tones. Even on VHF, multipath propagation can cause similar problems. DMCA is one mode that uses 4 independent carriers, each running 16QAM (4 bits per symbol) to get a total of 16 bits per symbol. That way you can keep the symbol rate down (to reduce multipath interference) while still keeping a high bit rate. The Europeans are big into OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) for things like digital TV and DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) for the same reasons. OFDM uses hundreds of carriers spaced orthogonally (1 bit rate apart) to obtain very high bit rates with very low symbol rates. AL N1AL ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1994 22:35:36 GMT From:!!!waikato!!!! Subject: MFJ 1278 Ops To: I have a Mfj 1278 and havent really had a great success with it on some of the modes ie fax/sstv/rtty has anybody had similar probs or can offer me some advice as to how to get a better performance out of the 1278,I would also be pleased to hear on the performance of the 1278 on non Amateur bands such as news rtty services and the like. E-mail replies welcome many thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 94 18:46:41 -0500 From:! Subject: Mic connection KAM--> HTX-202 To: I've spent the last 2 days trying to get my KAM and HTX-202 to communicate with each other. I am receiving packet data just fine but cannot seem to make a connection. The HTX-202 is transmitting, but I suspect the mic connection is not wired properly and it therefore just transmitting useless noise. I am not very technically oriented, so I would appreciate any advice as to the correct wiring for the mic. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Tnx. Dennis, N1RDN ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 13:18:22 GMT From:!agate!!swrinde!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv! Subject: Mic connection KAM--> HTX-202 To: In article writes: >I've spent the last 2 days trying to get my KAM and HTX-202 to communicate with >each other. I am receiving packet data just fine >but cannot seem to make a connection. The HTX-202 is transmitting, but I >suspect the mic connection is not wired properly and it therefore just >transmitting useless noise. I am not very technically oriented, so I would >appreciate any advice as to the correct wiring for the mic. Any other >suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Tnx. The following circuits work for RS, Icom, and Yaesu HTs. This one's small, it can be build into the plug. C TNC AF OUT------||----x--------------> HT mic tip R | TNC PTT-----/\/\/\/\--x TNC AF IN-----------------------------> HT ear tip TNC GND-------------------------------< HT ear ring C may be included in your TNC output circuitry, but can be a 1 mfd capactitor otherwise. R is the "leaky PTT" resistor. A value between 2 kohm and 10 kohm will trigger the HT. Icoms work with a higher value resistor, Yaesus require a lower value resistor. RS will need a bit of experimentation, but a 2k to 4k resistor should work fine for most of them. This circuit is better because it offers faster and more positive PTT. T TNC PTT----------))))))))---------> HT mic tip ======== TNC AF OUT-------)))))))--x--------< HT ear ring | TNC GND-------------------x TNC AF IN--------------------------> HT ear tip T is any small audio interstage transformer. A 600:600 ohm unit is nominal. You can salvage these out of old transistor radios, or get one in a Radio Shack grab bag. They're small enough to heatshrink into a cable or piggyback on a connector. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jul 1994 04:30:59 GMT From: nwnexus!!comtch! Subject: Mic connection KAM--> HTX-202 To: wrote: : I've spent the last 2 days trying to get my KAM and HTX-202 to communicate with : each other. I am receiving packet data just fine : but cannot seem to make a connection. The HTX-202 is transmitting, but I : suspect the mic connection is not wired properly and it therefore just : transmitting useless noise. You may be wired correctly, but just need to increase your audio output in the TNC.. Check your manual for the part concerning "connecting the TNC to a handheld radio" and you will find a "jumper" to move for this type of operation. Once you have done that, you can adjust your audio output level - the best down and dirty way is to monitor your signal with another radio (scanner for example) and listen how it sounds compared to others on the frequency. Adjust the appropriate place to make the two sound as close together as possible.. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Michael B. Candy Amateur Radio Call: KI7FX P.O. Box 1953 KI7FX@KA7FVV.#EWA.WA.USA.NA Airway Hts, WA. 99001-1953 American Digital Radio Society ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 13:39:07 GMT From:!!agate!!gatech!!ukma!lexmark!! Subject: Need KISS Protocol FTP Site To: I'm looking for a description of the KISS protocol used between the TNC and computer. Does anyone know of an FTP site that might contain it. I've looked around and not found it. Thanks, Gary (WB9TPG) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 14:39:02 GMT From:!!agate!!!gatech!!!stc06.CTD.ORNL.GOV!! To: References <>, , <1994Jul2 Subject : Re: One-way automated digital=bad In article (John Boyer) writes: >: Standard channelization is the norm in all services except the amateur >: service, and is even accepted there for most VHF/UHF activity. There's >: a very good reason why everyone else has gone to standard channels, and >: that reason is lessened mutual interference. Amateurs are being backward >: in refusing to acknowledge the advantages of channelization as a tool for >: interference control. >Well said Gary!!! >John B > We tried channelization on a former amateur band several years ago. It worked for a while and became very popular until the sunspot cycle shifted from low to high. Then there was chaos and bedlam. The poor blokes could not talk across town in Boston for being jammed with hetrodynes from LA. After that the system fell into abuse and disuse. Equipment vendors went out of business, etc. -- Lessons learned!?? Don't do channelization on HF bands. 73, C. C. (Clay) Wynn N4AOX ========================================================================= = Cooperation requires participation. Competition teaches cooperation. = ========================================================================= ..._ .. ..._ ._ _ . ._.. . __. ._. ._ .__. .... _.__ ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) 73 -- Henry Middlebrook Internet: Austin, TX AMPRnet: ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #256 ******************************